“Balance is the foundation for wellness.”Erica applies the essential oil Valor to the poll to promote physical and mental balance during Equine Raindrop.

“Balance is the foundation for wellness.”

Erica applies the essential oil Valor to the poll to promote physical and mental balance during Equine Raindrop.



"If you want to know the soul of your horse, give them a Raindrop." -Erica Canevari 

Equine Raindrop delivers many benefits to your horse. From easing physical symptoms of pain and discomfort, offering immune support for horses who travel or are used in competition, to fostering an emotional and spiritual bond between horse and owner. There's nothing quite like Equine Raindrop. My favorite way to use Equine Raindrop is to help horses (and their owners) recover from past traumas, accident, and wrecks. Has your horse suffered an accident and just hasn't quite been the same since? An Equine Raindrop could be the missing link in their healing. 

I was working as an equine farrier when I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and Raindrop Technique. Over the last decade, Equine Raindrop Technique has become my #1 tool for restoring physical balance for horses in my care. We can all relate to having a sore spot in our body that causes us to over compensate with another muscle group. Even spending a few days with a kink in our neck or discomfort somewhere in our body can cause us to alter our physical stance and posture. The same is true for horses. When you factor in the added stress put on every bone, tendon and ligament by carrying a rider and the demands of competition and you can understand why horses enjoy the relief they experience from Raindrop Technique so much.

What is Equine Raindrop Technique?

Equine Raindrop is an adapted technique based on D. Gary Young's Raindrop Technique for humans. Using specific holistic tools and techniques, and backed by the latest breakthroughs in microbiology we work on the body on a cellular level. The horse experiences a relaxing, massage-like session and the powerful essential oils go to work erasing cellular trauma, re-initiating communication between cells and cleansing the body of toxins and pathogens. 

Equine Raindrop is an intimate, hands-on bonding experience for you and your horse. Raindrop Technique is the simple application of 9 specific Young Living Essential Oils to your horses back and legs. The oils are massaged into the skin using gentle, non-invasive hand movements and minimal pressure. This stimulates the horses nervous system and in turn helps the body’s natural systems to carry the oils throughout the body. Gentle stretching and massage techniques are used to soften and relax the muscles surrounding the spine, creating space for the body to adjust itself back to balance. The essential oils begin their work on a cellular level the moment they are applied.

“Tippy” is introduced to the next essential oil, Oregano.

“Tippy” is introduced to the next essential oil, Oregano.

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Essential oils are calming to the nervous system. Animals are especially receptive to the oils, especially horses.

Benefits of Equine Raindrop

Balance, Immune Support and Trauma Recovery with Essential Oils

“Everyone can benefit from Raindrop Technique, even horses and pets.”

-Erica Canevari

Equine Raindrop begins with the application of an essential oil blend called Valor. Valor is affectionately known as “chiropractor in a bottle.” Applying Valor oil balances the physical and electrical energies of the body, which often results in subtle, natural skeletal adjustments- just by applying it topically. Valor creates a balanced, confident horse and rider and therefore it is the foundation of the Raindrop Technique. All wellness builds from balance.

All essential oils have anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-spasmodic, and anti-imflammatory properties. The 9 specific essential oils we use for Raindrop Technique are: Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Aroma Siez and Peppermint. I strictly use Young Living Essential Oils with animals for safety reasons. (Please, do not use any other essential oils on your horses- visit the Essential Oil Safety page for more information.) If you and your horse travel for competition you both need Raindrop in your life! Essential oils are the essence of the plant, and when we harvest essential oils we harvest the plants own herbal properties and protections against disease, pests and virus. When we apply these oils to ourselves and our animals we are gifted the use of these powerful dis-ease fighting properties. Plants have always been the source of our medicine, and using Young Living Essential Oils brings you closer to the source of healing.

When horses and riders experience trauma the event is “transcribed” into our cellular memory. There are somewhere around 100,000 trillion cells in your horse’s body, and each has six gigabytes of memory. That is more memory than all of the computers in the world today. Essential oils affect the emotional center of our brains, the Amygdala. The amygdala helps coordinate responses to things in your environment, especially those that trigger an emotional response. The Amygdala plays an important role in fear and anger. Working with essential oils can help release the painful emotional responses we have when something in our environment “triggers” us. By consistently working with your horse with essential oils and especially Raindrop Technique you may be able to release some of the painful triggers and emotional responses your horse experiences in relation to a specific trauma or accident. I am happy to consult with you individually if you have an interest in trauma recovery and essential oils.

It is only through organic bio chemistry that we can fully understand the effectiveness of the essential oils and how they work on a cellular level in the body. Please visit the Chemistry of Essential Oils page to learn more.

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Who can perform Equine Raindrop?

Anyone can perform Raindrop Technique, you do not need to be licensed or trained to anoint with essential oils. In fact, anointing is an ancient spiritual practice and the more you practice it you will find your intuition and spiritual self being awakened. Just by applying essential oils to your skin and breathing them in your are altering your mental state and your body’s natural frequency of vibration. All living things operate in and omit a measurable frequency. To learn more about frequency and it’s role in healing please visit the Chemistry of Essential Oils page.

Some of the best news is that when you give Raindrop- you also receive it! Essential oils are absorbed through your hands and also inhaled during the process. This is one reason why Raindrop is a powerful tool for trauma recovery, especially when performed by the horse’s own rider. I can teach you to heal your horse, and yourself!