Imagine yourself nestled in a warm, familiar room, feeling totally safe and relaxed. Your body is perfectly comfortable, still, and wrapped in warm blankets on a massage table. You notice that your mind is quiet, freed from the details of your daily life, free to wander, dream and release. You realize that your nervous system is quiet. Maybe you haven’t felt this relaxed since you spent 5 days on the beach in Hawaii, when was that? Three, maybe four years ago? These days, it’s difficult to find time to consciously rest our bodies and minds. Raindrop can help us reach this state of deep relaxation and release within minutes, allowing us to fully rest and reset our nervous systems, boost immune system function, and help release stored toxins and traumas at a cellular level.

All you need to do is rest, relax and breathe, I’ll do the rest!

Raindrop Technique is a gentle sequence of anointing with drops of oils, a gentle massage of the back muscles, and careful stretching of the spine. It is non-invasive and appropriate for anyone at any age, even for babies. You are fully clothed from the waist down, and I apply oils to your spine and the bottoms of your feet. Raindrop Technique is ideal for people who don’t care for massage, or whom have difficulty being touched. On the other hand, if you love massage, there’s no doubt you’ll love Raindrop. This healing modality is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Receiving Raindrop can bring new ideas and spiritual messages to you, help you release energetic blocks in your life, help release past traumas that you are aware of- or not, and also brings structural and electrical alignment to your body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of the essential oils.

I am blessed to be trained in this technique, and so happy to offer this healing miracle to Humboldt County.

Raindrop works by balancing our body’s chemistry and using tools found in nature to bring harmony to our internal systems. Raindrop gifts your cells with what they need to repair and re-stabilize the way nature intended. The way these oils works in the body is not theory, it’s science and chemistry, and it is the forefront of modern medicine. Most of the Raindrop oils are high in phenolic content to ward off potentially damaging viruses and bacteria while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance inter- and intra-cellular communication and improve overall bodily function. (Hint: when your cells are communicating properly the system is functioning. You have ease in your body. When your cells are not communicating properly, you have dis-function, which leads to dis-ease.) Some Raindrop oils contain a variety of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes to assist in deleting misinformation in the DNA and in reprogramming correct information in cellular memory to restore and maintain physical and emotional wellness. There is nothing else on Earth that has the power to do this! This is why I refer to Raindrop as a healing miracle, it truly is.

The oils use in Raindrop Technique are extremely high-quality, therapeutic grade, grown and crafted with the intention to be medicine, and are as follows:

  • VALOR blend (contains oils of spruce, rosewood, blue tansy, and frankincense in an almond oil base) Gentle and soothing. Valor helps balance bodily electricity, and stimulate spinal realignment, affects the limbic system in a way to improve one’s self-image, and enhancing ones feelings of confidence, courage and self-esteem. Contains esters, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.

  • OREGANO is high in the constituent carvacrol. One of the most powerful antimicrobial essential oils. Research at Weber State University demonstrated 99% kill rate against in-vitro colonies of Streptococcus pneumonia. High in phenylpropanoids, which cleanse our cellular receptor sites.

  • THYME contains the constituent thymol. Antiseptic, immune enhancing, supportive of body's natural defenses. Thyme has been used to combat the bacterium that causes anthrax. This oil is high in phenylpropanoids.

  • BASIL contains the constituent methyl chavicol. Basil can be relaxing to both voluntary muscles and to the involuntary muscles as well. Voluntary muscles include all of the motor muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdomen, neck, and face. Mentally energizing and invigorating. Used for tension headaches. Can improve the senses of taste and smell. High in phenolic ethers.

  • WINTERGREEN supports joints and skeletal structure. Composition of this oil is more than 80% methyl salicylate (a phenolic ester) which has a cortisone like effect in that it may stimulate the body's own production of a natural cortisone which has none of the unwanted side effects of synthetic cortisone. Also has an analgesic properties, as its chemical structure is similar to that of aspirin.

  • MARJORAM relaxing to both the voluntary and involuntary muscles as well. Involuntary muscles include: the heart, diaphragm, digestive tract, and reproductive organs. Soothing to nerves. Used for migraines. Antiseptic and antimicrobial. Marjoram is about half monoterpenes.

  • CYPRESS antimicrobial. Supportive of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Stimulates the body's natural white corpuscle production. Cypress is 76% monoterpenes and 14% sesquiterpenes which may assist in restoring proper cellular programming to restore health and maintain wellness.

  • PEPPERMINT Primary constituent is menthol. Supports digestive system, respiratory system and nervous system. Peppermint has been used for headaches. Research has shown that inhaling peppermint improves concentration and mental retention. Detoxifying to the liver. A synergistic oil that supports and improves the beneficial actions of other oils used in conjunction. High in phenolics, but contains 9% sesquiterpenes.

These oils are applied to the feet and spine, accompanied by multiple ancient hands-on healing techniques that have been gathered from healers in cultures from all over the world. These gentle techniques loosen tense muscles and help the oils activate within your cells. What ensues is a relaxing, restorative massage that leaves you feeling like the best version of yourself.