Farrier Work

I attended Mission Farrier School in Snohomish, Washington in the fall of 2009. My instructor, Mark Plumlee was one of only 4 instructors in the country teaching Gene Ovnicek’s Natural Balance horseshoeing principles. During this 3 month course I received a top-notch education in farrier science. Natural Balance Horseshoeing focuses on removing distortion in the hoof wall and bringing the articulation and “breakover” of the lower limb to where it would naturally occur if the horse were barefoot and wearing its hooves at a ideal rate. These principles were discovered and honed by studying wild horses in Nevada who regularly traveled over 10 miles a day in search of fresh water and food. Their hooves were never given the chance to overgrow or distort, and thus they were perfect examples of how the hoof would naturally wear in ideal conditions.

I attended farrier school in the fall of 2009. I opened Back in Balance Horseshoeing in Humboldt County, California that year. I have worked as a professional farrier in northern California for more than a decade. The experience brought me to the far reaches of many rural counties, incredible lessons in patience and compassion, and the ability to connect with hundreds of amazing and unique people. I am forever thankful for everything I learned and all the wonderful people who were part of this chapter of my life. I hope you will enjoy some of my favorite photos from my time as a farrier.